Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dusty's Tail

At our recent ECSCA national specialty show, I was asked quite a few times why I chose not to dock Dusty's tail. Here is my reasoning:


1. He would win more at dog shows.
2. No questions about why we chose not to dock (-:


1. At six months of age, tail docking requires surgery including anesthesia and stitches.
2. He would no longer have his happy, wagging tail, which he was accustomed to.

I made the decision that I felt was in the best interest of Dusty, not the decision that was in myown best interest. I also have every confidence that he is of nice enough quality to succeed at shows, regardless of the tail. Some judges may not appreciate the tail, but others will see past the politics of docking to appreciate Dusty's excellent breed type and flawless movement.


Cori said...

Great entry. At work I have seen the tail docking procedure at 3 days AND the surgery required at a later date. I admire your decision.

dreameyce said...

While I'm not, at all against docking, and cropping, I sure can't wait until judges look at more than just ears, and tails when deciding merit on a dog.

I think as a culture in the US, and Canada we're getting there, but I sure can't wait 'til judges are blind to cosmetic traits. That's going for color, and marking fads too (Of allowable colors/markings in a breed)

Anonymous said...

Good decision, Kelly :) I think he's gorgeous!


Cathryn said...

I've been getting used to seeing EC's with tails here in the UK, and I don't mind it at all, especially if they have good tail sets and carriage. Having undocked tails just makes us pay attention more when we're breeding, cuz incorrect tail sets and carriage are much more noticeable now. Good decision Kelly!

Anonymous said...

I would ask those who are pro-docking, if they are also pro-circumsision on their male children? ;) That will shut them up!! LOL